I know, I know, I was supossed to add the instructions for the inside of the Coaster mini album. But since this is one of the projects that is going to be feautured on my
"All about gifts kit" I am going to share with you the steps, but not the complete tutorial or hints *wink, wink*
What you need:
12 squeare coasters (4" X 4")
Wide ribbon (about 20-24")
Paper collection with tags (I used three DC and 3 carstocks and some pieces)
Stamps and ink
Scallop scissors
First: follow
Nichole's challenge insturctions for the cover
Second: cut 9 pieces of 4" X 8" cardstock and score them at 4"
Third: Glue the coasters to the cardstocks as this: fold 1st piece of paper at 4" then attach one coaster to each side, then attach other piece of paper to the coaster and so on, like doing a sandwich.
Fourth: When you have glue all the coaster to the DC pieces you can start working on your album (Maybe you prefer to do so before glue it, is optional) Remember to round the corners!! I did that with a scissor.
Fifth: When you are done with your album (I did it simple!! just some tags that comes with the collection, some square boxes for journaling, I stamped the lines from the Punctuation set, a lil bit of ribbon, a flower, stamps and more stamps!!) you can glue it to the cover. To do so, you have to put your album inside of the cover and look where is going to be better to place it (You can try to open it while you hold it together) it can not be at the cornes you have to do it aprox. 1/8 from the sides.
Sixth: Embelish your cover and you are DONE!!
If you need some clarifications, please send me an e-mail with your request.
PS This is not the collection that comes with the kit, the collection is Merry Wishes! so the pictures here are slightly different from the one on the kit.