Hello to everyone!!
I have to say sorry to all of you (I have being MIA) my week!! was very busy! I was doing all the things normally plus designing 25 cards for today, cause I have a World Card Making Day crop! and I have to tell you it was so much FUN!! NOW I am really tired! but it was very nice to see some of you I was missing already!, some of my dear friends that are always with me and the ones that I met today personally, after so many online and phone chatting.
Check again later because I am going to do a slideshow with the 25 cards, if you have no details about the activity, I can tell you that we made 5 cards of 5 differents themes: Christmas, Femenine Birthday, Masculine Birthday, YOU (wich includes: Missing you, Thank you, Love you, Thinking of you and YOU! and a Pink kit in honor to the national month of Breast Cancer Awareness (all the money collect from the sales of this kit is going to the SGK)
Now I have to run to the bed, cause I am really tired, I have to tell you that I was sleepig already and I woke up just to post this here!!
Talk to you later!
Diana la verdad es que estuvo de SHOW!! Hoy voy a hacer la misma idea para regalarsela a mi titi, con motivo de THANKS y todo PINK, para que se las regale a sus médicos y gente que la a ayudado con este proceso de su cáncer de seno. La verdad es que me encantó muchas veces lo que hicimos!!! Ve apuntandome para el próximo taller YA!!!
diana me gusto mucho el taller y gracias por permitirme estampar ya que compre el papel de las otras tarjetas y a ver que sale ,luego te dire, la pase super gracias
esmeralda otero
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